Studio Nazari

56th National Congress of the Italian Society of Hygiene (SItI)

Media Relations

Cliente: SItI

More than 3000 public health professionals - from all over the world - gathered in Rome from May 2nd to May 6th for the 56th National Congress of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI), which was held concurrently with the 17th World Congress of Public Health.

The Congress provided an extraordinary opportunity for international discussion on issues of close relevance, from vaccine hesitation to the health emergency caused by wars, pandemics, and economic crisis; from antimicrobial resistance to epidemiological and environmental surveillance, from a One Health perspective, in the face of climate change; and to developments in the National Health Service-with Prevention Departments and Hospitals-in the face of exponential acceleration of technology.

The Congress was also an opportunity to analyze current and irrefutable issues in Public Health, highlight the problems of the Italian National Health Service, and make a call for increased resources to be invested in disease prevention, promoting Health and prolonging life. In particular, before the audience of young Hygienists, a call was made for a Health Service that is attractive to all, that gives young people the opportunity to grow professionally, and that guarantees the right to health equity for all citizens.